Berbice Test players’ 1948-2012 billboard mounted

A billboard showcasing the 17 Berbicians who played Test cricket was unveiled and handed over to the Berbice Cricket Board (BCB).
The project was sponsored by ANSA McAL Trading Ltd and formed part of the company’s 20th anniversary celebrations. The billboard is mounted at Port Mourant, home of the club which produced the most Test players in Berbice.
Port Mourant produced seven test players.
The billboard starts with the first player from Berbice to represent the West Indies and ends with the last. The players are: John Trim (Port Mourant); Rohan Kanhai (Port Mourant); Basil Butcher (Port Mourant); Joseph Solomon (Port Mourant); Ivan Madray (Port Mourant); Roy Fredericks (Blairmont); Alvin Kallicharran (Port Mourant); Leonard Baichan (Rosehall/Canje); Sewdat Shivnarine (Albion); Clayton Lambert (Bermine); Mahendra Nagamootoo (Port Mourant); Narsingh Deonarine (Albion) Sewnarine Chattergoon (Albion); Brandon Bess (Blairmont); DevendraBishoo  (Albion); Assad Fudadin (Rose Hall Town); and VeerasammyPremaul (Albion).
Public relations officer of ANSA McAL Darshanie Yussuf said it is not only to give recognition to current cricketers but also to give recognition to past players. Community projects were done in Linden and Essequibo as part of the anniversary celebrations.
Berbice Branch Manager Mark Bicai, speaking at the handing over ceremony last Thursday, said the company is always happy to be part of the development of sport. He was pleased that the BCB approached ANSA McAL to have the billboard erected. He said it is hoped that the billboard helps to motivate other players to reach the highest level in cricket.
Meanwhile, president of the BCB Keith Foster said that the Port Mourant area is known on the map of Guyana because of cricket.
“It is very important that we export what we have that is good, these test cricketers represent not only Guyana but also the people of the Caribbean. We are hoping that the making of this billboard we will be able to inspire young boys and girls to go that high level of representing the people of the Caribbean,” Foster noted.
The board president called on other companies to come forward and highlight great sportsmen and women.

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